Fotos mit Genehmigung der Künstlerin, Fotograf: Flavio Karrer
Auszug aus dem Pressetext zur Solo-Ausstellung „Prequel“ von Marie Matusz in der Zürcher Gallerie Blue Velvet vom 4. Januar 2023 – 4. März 2023 (englisch):
László Moholy-Nagy (From Material to Architecture, 1929) introduced the concepts of structure, texture, and faktura to describe surfaces. He described surfaces of artworks as haptic-tactile entities, whereby faktura denotes an aesthetic category referring to the visible and tangible material effect resulting from the physical processing of the material. The raw wood of the sculptural work “The Century of Measure” (2023) reveals the materiality of its untreated surface. Whereas pine needles and a blanket woven of human hair are displayed outside from their natural context. It’s the inherent narrative of the sculptural works that guide the viewer through the exhibition evoking singular associations and emotions which are enhanced by the repeatedly emerging monochrome surfaces that create an unavoidable illusion of depth.